March 2022

2503, 2022

Can My Family Inherit My Season Tickets?

Sports fans with season tickets may want their families to enjoy the tickets after they are gone but passing on these tickets may not be simple. Getting season tickets to your favorite sport is not always [...]

1803, 2022

How Long Does an Executor’s Job Take?

Being the executor of an estate can be a time-consuming job, depending on the size and complexity of the estate. While a simple estate can take a few months and not require a huge time [...]

1103, 2022

Using a Roth IRA as an Estate Planning Tool

A Roth IRA does not have to be used as just a retirement plan; it can also be a way to transfer assets tax-free to the next generation. Unlike a traditional IRA, contributions to a [...]

403, 2022

When a Non-Grantor Trust Might Be Useful

One of the many factors to consider when setting up a trust is whether to make it a grantor trust or a non-grantor trust. While a grantor trust is more common, a non-grantor trust can [...]