The Law of Aging: Estate Planning and Beyond

by Andrey Milvidskiy, Esq.

Why do some people age so “gracefully”? They’re the people whose lives seem to fall into place easily as they age. Their physical needs are met, they have plenty of resources with which to enjoy their “golden years”…and when they pass, their children and heirs manage what’s “left behind” with seemingly instinctive skill and grace. But we also know far too many people in the opposite place: facing physical needs that overwhelm them, financial obligations that necessitate selling off personal possessions or even their very homes, and stress from children and heirs arguing about “who’s going to get what” even before they’re gone. How to have the first in your life, and not the second? It all comes down to a plan. The Law of Aging is chock-full of information designed to help you take the important first (and subsequent) steps toward making that plan…and implementing it to suit your needs, your family situations, and your future. With this as your road map and guidebook, you’ll be well on your way to that “graceful” aging—and priceless peace of mind—we all want.


Seven Ways to Distribute Your Personal Property Fairly

Unlike money, personal belongings usually can't be divided equally after their owner passes away.  For this reason, distributing possessions like furniture, jewelry, dishes, silverware, artwork, photographs, or clothing is often the most difficult challenge in [...]

What You Should Know About Long-Term Care

Research shows that roughly one in seven adults aged 65 or older will need long-term care at some point in their later years. Meanwhile, tens of millions of Baby Boomers in the United States are growing older [...]

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In the complex and frequently changing landscape of health care in the United States, Medicaid stands out as a vital program. Since 1965, it has provided essential coverage to millions of low-income individuals and families. [...]

Does Medicare Cover Prescription Weight Loss Drugs?

Americans have a growing appetite for prescription drugs such as Ozempic, Wegovy, and Mounjaro. Originally developed to treat Type 2 diabetes, they are now exploding in popularity as a weight loss treatment. Evidence is mounting [...]

Seven Ways to Distribute Your Personal Property Fairly

Unlike money, personal belongings usually can't be divided equally after their owner passes away.  For this reason, distributing possessions like furniture, jewelry, dishes, silverware, artwork, photographs, or clothing is often the most difficult challenge in [...]

What You Should Know About Long-Term Care

Research shows that roughly one in seven adults aged 65 or older will need long-term care at some point in their later years. Meanwhile, tens of millions of Baby Boomers in the United States are growing older [...]